15 October 2024

How to get your teeth whitened safely and effectively

In 2013, for the safety of the general public, the High Court confirmed that only dental professionals may legally carry out tooth whitening, therefore reinforcing the GDC position that tooth whitening is the practice of dentistry and can only safely and legally be offered by registered dental professionals in the case of GDC v Jamous [2013] EWHC 1428. This is regardless of the products used, as any form of prescribed whitening fall under the umbrella of dental treatment and not "merely cosmetic treatment".  Read more here.

You may have recently seen articles in the press regarding numerous prosecutions against unqualified individuals and companies carrying this out illegally and (being without the correct training and knowlege of dental professsionals) potentially dangerously.

There are many risks involved in the unqualified or inexperienced performing whitening such as major damage to the teeth, gums as well as other parts of the mouth, in addition to, allergic reactions, and severe burns.

The good news is that there is no need to take such risks. Tavistock House's professional tooth whitening service is tailored to your personal requirements and is always subject to a prior no-obligation assessment to ensure suitability. This assessment is carried out free of charge to our patients.

Philips Zoom!

Tavistock offers a full-service including Philips Zoom whitening and a customised home-whitening kit, or alternatively a home kit only.  Depending on individual tooth colours different treatments respond better to one or other type of whitening.

Request appointmentMore about tooth whitening

Further reading

More Zoom whitening pictures



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